How Does a Well Tank Work?

Homeowners with a private well have a tank installed on their property, but not everyone knows exactly how it works. In this article, we’ll break down the basics of well tanks, and explain why they are so important for ensuring a steady water supply in your home.

What is a Well Tank?

A well tank, also known as a pressure tank or a bladder tank, is a type of water storage tank that is commonly used in homes and businesses that have a private well as their source of water. The tank is typically located near the well or in the basement and is connected to the well pump.  The tanks are most often blue, but are also availble in other colors.

The main function of a well tank is to store water under pressure and to provide a reserve supply of water when the well pump is not running. When the well pump is on, it pumps water into the tank, which increases the pressure in the tank. As water is used in the home, the pressure in the tank decreases. When the pressure falls to a certain level, the well pump is activated to refill the tank and restore the pressure. When pressure is achieved, the pump turns back off.   This allows for a steady supply of water and eliminates the need for the well pump to start and stop frequently.

A typical tank holds between 20 and 80 gallons of water under pressure.  The size is determined by the amount of water the well pump can produce.  The tank needs to be large enough for the pump to run for 1 minute, so that the pump can be cooled by the movement of water.

Another important factor is air charge—the amount of air stored inside the tank in order for it to function properly. Without the proper level of air charge, there won’t be enough power to push out water when demand calls for it; conversely, too much air could cause excessive cycling and damage other components of your system over time. For best results, make sure that there is the correct pressure in the air blatter.

The Benefits of Having a Well Tank

Having a properly functioning well tank installed provides several benefits for homeowners with private wells. For starters, it helps provide consistent pressure throughout your home, so you don’t experience fluctuations when the pump cycles on and off.  Additionally the well tank reduces wear-and-tear on both your pump and plumbing system since they don’t have to constantly turn on and off every time someone flushes a toilet or runs hot water in their sink!

Hague Quality Water of Maryland Specializes in Servicing Private Wells

Well tanks play an essential role in providing clean drinking water for households with private wells by storing additional reserves of water that can be accessed quickly when needed. They also help maintain consistent pressure throughout your home while reducing wear-and-tear on both pumps and plumbing systems alike. So, if you’re noticing issues with your water pressure or notice the well pump is cycling on too frequently, call Hague Quality Water of Maryland to inspect your well system.  Hague specializes in private well service and repair. Our team can answer any questions you may have and address any issues with your home’s private well. Contact us today at 410-757-2992 to learn more about our service!

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