The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) released a Recreational Water Contact Health Advisory for Triadelphia Reservoir two months ago due to an increase in blue-green algae growth. Algal blooms in drinking water or recreational water can lead to serious health effects, and you should avoid coming into physical contact with the Triadelphia Reservoir until the risk has ended.
It’s important to note that the WSSC stated their drinking water was not impacted, but all residents should remain cautious when spending time in the Triadelphia Reservoir. Avoid making physical contact with water and rinse immediately if contact is made. Do not consume any livers or digestive organs from fish caught in the reservoir, and do not allow pets to drink or swim in the water.
What Are Algal Blooms in Drinking Water or Recreational Water?
Algal blooms, also known as HABs, occur when naturally-occurring blue-green algae rapidly form into HABs due to a range of conditions, like warm water with extra nutrients present. HABs are dangerous because some of them can produce very dangerous toxins that can seriously harm animals and humans. Furthermore, you don’t need to consume the water for the algal bloom to be dangerous. Breathing in contaminated water, eating seafood from the water or swimming, wading, kayaking or playing in the water can all lead to negative effects. Beyond the health impacts, algal blooms in drinking water lead to a musty odor and an earthy, unpleasant taste when consumed.
What Happens if You Consume Water When There Are Algal Blooms in Drinking Water?
In general, filtration and water treatment can remove low levels of toxins and bacterial cells from the algal bloom. Unfortunately, during a severe bloom event, it can be difficult to provide clean, fresh drinking water that meets standards. During a period of severe algal blooms in drinking water, water treatment plants will test levels of microcystins and cylindrospermospin to ensure that they do not exceed appropriate levels. If they do, people could experience health issues including liver damage, kidney damage, upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting.
How Can You Protect Your Family from Algal Blooms in Drinking Water?
As noted above, water treatment plants will work hard to remove toxins from the water whenever possible, but during serious algal blooms, they cannot always do so thoroughly. If a drinking water advisory is issued, is your home’s water safe? Hague Quality Water of Maryland works with Prince George’s County and Montgomery County WSSC customers to ensure that their drinking water remains clean, safe and has no off-putting taste or smell.
High-quality water filtration is the best way to protect your family when there are algal blooms in drinking water supplies nearby. The Hague WaterMax® BEQ System is a powerful filtration solution that can remove contaminants, sediment and dirt from your water supply. If you are unsure of which filtration option is most appropriate for the water in your home, we can help you in performing and understanding water tests, in addition to making recommendations on how to keep it clean and safe.
Beyond the benefits to your health and wellness, the Hague WaterMax® BEQ System also eliminates hard water and all of the damaging side effects associated with it. It will take less soap to bathe and do your laundry, your plumbing and maintenance costs will decrease, your appliances will last longer and you won’t need to worry about purchasing bottled water for peace of mind. It’s our mission to keep families relying on WSSC water throughout Maryland as safe as possible through quality water filtration.
Avoid Algal Blooms in Drinking Water with Hague Quality Water of Maryland
If your family lives in Montgomery or Prince George’s County and you are concerned about contaminants in your water, we are here to help with your water improvement projects. As a new offering and in addition to our free on-site water test for new customers, we are offering a contact-free water test kit for only $200. This kit is mailed directly to you so that you can take samples and mail them to a lab. You’ll receive the results directly and our team can work with you to determine the perfect solution for your situation. Whether you need the Hague WaterMax® BEQ System or additional filtration beyond that, our team cares deeply about the health and safety of your family. To purchase your kit today, click here. For additional assistance, call Hague Quality Water of Maryland at (410) 757-2992.