Life Hack: Reverse Osmosis for Healthier Water

You may have never heard of reverse osmosis as a water treatment method, but this innovative technology has been in use since the 1970s. Home water treatment companies began offering this option because it was fairly inexpensive and afforded homeowners effective access to water filtration. These days, this water treatment method that you’ve never heard of has become a major life hack for healthier water and a healthier you!

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse osmosis was originally designed to make salt water potable. You may have learned about osmosis in science class. Essentially, water seeps in slowly through a very fine membrane. This occurs in many natural situations, but reverse osmosis is not just a matter of moving the water, but removing impurities at the same time. With reverse osmosis, water is forced through a semipermeable membrane at a certain pressure to remove large molecules, minerals, contaminants and solid substances that aren’t able to fit through the membrane. At its core, reverse osmosis filters water more effectively than many other more expensive treatment options.

Reverse Osmosis vs. Tap Water

Even treated water from municipal sources can have contaminants. If you were to test your tap water straight from the faucet and then run that same water through a reverse osmosis system and test it again you would see that the reverse osmosis treatment removes a lot of potentially harmful contaminants. These may include:
● Arsenic
● Nitrates
● Sodium
● Copper
● Fluoride

Reverse osmosis filtration means you are getting healthier water that is less likely to cause health problems.

Parasite Removal

There is no reason whatsoever that our bodies need parasites such as cryptosporidium in your water. However, this buggy little fellow is often found in water that hasn’t undergone sufficient filtration. Once inside your gastrointestinal tract, it can cause stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea that may lead to extreme illness and dehydration. Unknown infestation victims may drink more of the same water to alleviate dehydration, thus ingesting more of the parasites. Reverse osmosis effectively removes these parasites from drinking water.


But don’t rush out and buy a brand-new system just yet; there are some concerns with reverse osmosis because it doesn’t just take out what’s bad, but also what’s good. Required dietary minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron that are found in water naturally may also be removed. It’s important to replace these through food and supplementation if you choose a reverse osmosis system over other methods.

There are some who claim that the demineralization is a reason not to drink reverse osmosis filtered water, but for most, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. Wouldn’t you rather take a mineral supplement or make up for the lack of minerals in your diet than drink water that may be contaminated?

If you’re interested in learning more about reverse osmosis water treatment and how it can benefit you, contact Hague Quality Water of Maryland today. We offer a variety of treatment options at various price points to help you make the most cost-effective and healthy choices for your family, whether you’re seeking quality water softeners or another solution entirely.

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