Does the word “arsenic” leave a dirty taste in your mouth? It should. Arsenic is a dangerous chemical and has plagued Americans for years. Arsenic can be found in food, pesticides, and yes, your water. It’s critical to remove arsenic from your water to ensure your family’s health.
Fortunately, arsenic pesticides are now banned and have been since the 1980s. Meanwhile, many industries have been trying to phase out arsenic, but it’s still used in the electronics industry, for wood preservation, and other applications. Many older products may also contain or have been previously treated with arsenic.
Arsenic is also naturally found in soil, rocks, and elsewhere around nature. Even if arsenic is not being used locally for agricultural or industrial applications, you could still be exposed.
Unfortunately, even though water often leaves treatment plants clean of arsenic, it can still make its way into your water supply, which is why it’s important to get a free water analysis from Hague Quality Water of Maryland. The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) warns that arsenic can make its way into water distribution systems, noting:
“Although arsenic is measured at the entry point to the distribution system for compliance determinations, you should be aware that arsenic levels could increase in the distribution system at any time due to a number of factors.”
Keep reading to find out how arsenic can make its way into your water and how to effectively remove it from your home’s water.
How Can Arsenic Make Its Way into a Water Distribution System?
First, the EPA notes that water contaminated with arsenic can make its way into water distribution systems at entry points. Scale rich with arsenic and iron will then build up inside the pipes. Should the chemistry of the water change at any point (and the chemistry of water often does change), it could cause the arsenic rich scale to be released.
Storage tanks, including those used by municipal governments, are especially vulnerable to arsenic buildups. Even if the water entering the local water system is currently free of arsenic, if pH levels, chlorine levels, or other chemical factors change, it could cause previously built up arsenic to be released. Many municipal water systems are old and could already be suffering from high arsenic levels.
If arsenic is being used in industrial or any other application, it could also leach into local water supplies, wells, and more. It’s also possible that arsenic could enter the water supply through leaking or damaged pipes and joints. Since arsenic is found in nature, you could be exposed even if it’s not being used locally in industrial applications.
By having a water filtration system in your home, such as the Hague WaterMax BEQ, you can ensure your water is free from harmful contaminants like arsenic. This multi-stage water treatment solution is our most efficient water filtration system and delivers high quality water throughout your home.
What Are the Health Risks of Arsenic in My Drinking Water?
Unfortunately, arsenic is an especially dangerous chemical and has been linked to many health problems. Even in small amounts, arsenic can pose a big threat.
First, arsenic has been linked to increased incidents of cancer in the lungs, bladder, kidney, and skin. Even if you drink bottled water at home, you could be exposed to arsenic while taking a shower or cooking with tap water.
Arsenic has also been linked to digestion problems, the breakdown of veins in your lower limbs, and other issues. Arsenic may be linked to high blood pressure, circulatory issues, and other health conditions as well.
How Do I Get Arsenic Out of My Water?
If arsenic is found in your water, it could pose a serious danger to your health and the health of your family. Fortunately, by installing the right home water filtration system, you may be able to remove arsenic from your tap water.
A whole home filtration system will be especially beneficial. While a filtration system at your tap might filter out water in your kitchen, you could still be exposed in the shower and elsewhere. A whole home water filtration will ensure clean water throughout your house.
If you’re unsure about water filtration systems for your home, call Hague Quality Water of Maryland for a free water analysis to find out what exactly is in your water. We will thoroughly analyze your water and explain the how we can help you have safe and usable water in your home. Schedule your free analysis today by calling (410) 757-2992.