Seasonal Well Testing and Treatment Tips

According to the Maryland Department of the Environment, it is critical that Maryland homeowners do well water testing and treatment annually. Spring is the perfect time to have sampling, testing and treatment taken care of, even if you haven’t noticed any changes in the odor, taste or appearance of your water. Many of the hazards that lurk in well water are not visible to the naked eye, and only well water testing and treatment can identify and remove them. Here are some of our best tips for your well tests this spring.

Seasonal Well Testing and Treatment Tips

What Tests Should I Have Performed?

There are many different tests that can be used to gauge the health of your well, and the team at Hague Quality Water of Maryland can help to guide the tests that you have performed, as well as complete the testing. Some of the recommended tests include:

  • Coliform Bacteria: These microorganisms can occur in well water and lead to negative health impacts.
  • Nitrate: This substance is primarily found in groundwater, but it can make its way into wells. High amounts of nitrate present in water are very dangerous for young babies and those with other health conditions.
  • Ions: There are many different ions present in water that can change the smell or taste, including iron, chloride, sodium, sulfate, and manganese.
  • Additional Tests: If you suspect a certain issue with your water, specific tests for substances like arsenic, cadmium or radium can also be performed.

Does the Time of Year Matter?

In short, the time of year that you have well testing and treatment performed does not matter.  In general, it’s a good idea to have it tested around the same time so that you have an accurate frame of reference. If you have any suspicion or notice changes in your well water, it is appropriate to have testing done more than once a year.

Do I Need Professional Repair or Assistance?

A visual inspection of the well head is a great way to determine if you might need professional help with getting your well prepared for another year of use. Don’t open anything up. Instead, take a step back and look for signs of potential issues, like bugs crawling inside through openings or cracks. Is the cap secure? Is there visible damage that indicates contaminants could easily get into the well? Any signs of damage that you notice during a visual inspection are signs that you should have a professional out for repairs.

To avoid accidentally damaging or contaminating your well, you should always be careful when using landscaping equipment or lawn mowers near the well. Prevent your pets from going to the bathroom in the area around the well. When applying pesticides, do not spray them near the well cap. You should also avoid covering up the well cap and electrical conduit. Some homeowners think that they are an eyesore and they attempt to use flowers or rocks or even boxes to cover it up. It’s always best to leave the well undisturbed and accessible.

How Can I Have Testing Performed?

Hague Quality Water of Maryland offers well water testing to our customers throughout Maryland. Our tests provide important information about what may be in your water, including:

  • Arsenic
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Chromium
  • Fluoride
  • Hardness
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Nitrate
  • pH
  • Phosphate
  • Sodium
  • Sulfate
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
  • And more!

We offer a contactless, at-home water testing kit for only $200 that you can receive by mail and return to a professional lab. After the testing is done, you will receive a copy of the results. Hague Quality Water of Maryland will have a professional contact you to discuss well testing and treatment and the best path forward to ensure clean, safe drinking water. Once we get your results, we can determine the right filtration solution.

The at-home kit tests for many of the contaminants listed above. If you need a test for a specific contaminant, contact us to schedule an appointment with a water treatment specialist. We can also pick up water samples from your home and complete certified water tests for you!

How Can I Treat My Well Water Issues? 

If your well water testing indicates that something needs to be done to your water, we are here to help. After you have your results back, we will speak with you to help guide you through the filtration and treatment options that can reverse a poor odor or off putting taste, as well as get rid of hazardous substances that might be present. For many of our clients that use private wells for their drinking water supply, we suggest the WaterMax® as an effective filtration solution. This innovative filtration system is perfect for use at private wells. It efficiently gets rid of excess salt, sediment, debris, dirt and other contaminants that might be lurking in your water supply.

Every Hague WaterMax® system has a 25-year Manufacturer’s Limited warranty, so you have peace of mind that your water will stay healthy and clean for years to come, and any issues will be swiftly addressed. We are here to help with all of your well testing and treatment issues.

Prevent and Correct Common Well Water Issues with Hague Quality Water of Maryland

If your family lives in Anne Arundel, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, or Prince George’s County and you are concerned about the quality and contents of your water, we are here to help with your water improvement projects. Whether you need the WaterMax® System or other water treatment options, our team cares deeply about the health and safety of your family.  To request in-home water test, contact our office or to purchase your at-home test kit today, click here. For additional assistance, call Hague Quality Water of Maryland at (410) 757-2992.

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