The Truth About Hard vs. Soft Water

The Truth About Hard vs. Soft Water

The Earth’s surface is comprised of about 71% water, and our bodies are made up of about 60% water. How is it that something that is so common can have such a variety of properties? Have you heard people say that they have hard water or soft water? This may be confusing to someone who has always had municipal water service and hasn’t had experience with wells, minerals, and contaminants.

Let’s take a deeper look at this wet and wondrous substance and discover why you should use a quality water softener system at all times.

What Is the Difference Between Hard and Soft Water?

All water is not created equal. Some water has a large amount of minerals. Hard water has more calcium and magnesium because it’s been in contact with rocks and soil. Soft water lacks these minerals because may have come from an area that doesn’t have a ready supply of calcium and magnesium in the ground.

These two types of water react in different ways to certain chemicals and objects. One of the most common reaction differences occurs with laundry soap. Hard water will create very little suds, while extremely soft water may easily create suds when used for cleaning. Hard and soft water each has benefits and drawbacks as well. When considering using filtering or softening systems, you may find that one type is easier to remedy than the other. Read on to learn more about each type of water.

Hard Water

Hard water is rich in minerals. It binds with soap so that it rinses away cleanly from your body. However, this may cause it to build up around your bathtub, leaving a ring of limescale and soap scum. The mineral deposits from hard water can also cause great damage to your plumbing and appliances.

If you’ve ever visited someone who has a hard ring of plaque-like yellowish hard stuff around their showerhead or in their bathtub, then you’ve seen the effects of hard water. It is almost impossible to keep plumbing fixtures free of this residue as it builds up and hardens. Most hard water tends to taste better than soft water because it contains natural minerals. Eventually, when water becomes too hard, it will begin to taste metallic or strange.

Soft Water

Many people complain that soft water, or water lacking calcium and magnesium, makes them feel as if they are covered in soap residue after a shower. This is because there is nothing to bind with the soap molecules to help wash them away. People with soft water complain that they feel as if they haven’t gotten all the shampoo out of their hair.

Some locations suffer from issues with soft water more frequently than others. The lack of minerals may make the presence of water treatment chemicals more obvious, and people often find it less desirable than water with a higher mineral count. Treated soft water may also have a salty taste from the sodium that is used to filter out the minerals.

Why You Should Always Opt for Soft Water

When you look at the content above, it may seem as if there is more benefit to hard water; however, hard water can be downright expensive in the long run. Without having a water softener in place, the mineral buildup can literally destroy pipes, fixtures, water heaters, and appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines.

If you have hard water, the best way to remedy the problem is to find a happy medium. Sure, you want some minerals in your water for rinse-ability and taste, but you also want to remove some of them so that your appliances and plumbing don’t become ruined.

There are quality water softeners that are salt-free to reduce the buildup of limescale while keeping some of the minerals that you like for taste and cleanliness. Alternatively, you can try bottle-less water filtration in your home for better tasting water. Contact Hague Quality Water of Maryland today to find out how to amend your hard water to protect your home.


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